Not firing on #1?


Poor performance (not that an aging bus ever has great performance) started me wondering ... messing with my spark plugs led me to be concerned.

I'm can't even remember why I did it. I decided to remove the wire from one of my spark plugs. Not being experienced with engines, this sounds like a bad idea, so, like I said, I'm not sure what prompted me to do it. The funny thing was that when I did it, nothing happened. The engine didn't sputter or shake, it just kept on running. Surprised, I decided to try it on other cylinder's plugs. Each of the other 3 had slightly different reactions, but they all changed the way the engine ran.

You'll see in the video below that when I pull the plug wire off the #1 plug, there is no change in the way the motor sounds or runs. If I pull the wire off of any other plug the motor hiccups, bucks, and backfires. Does this mean that #1's not firing?

I'm pretty sure I'm getting juice to the plug - I think I can see the spark jump from the boot to the plug (and hear the click.) I pulled the plug out and it looks clean and normal (light brown.) Not sure what this mean, but it's definitely time for a compression test

[YouTube Link]

This bathtub is getting too small


There's nobody to read this yet, so I'll keep it brief. "Magellan Soul In A Bathtub" was a piece of a chorus to a song I started writing some time ago ... I never finished the song, but the sentiment is and has always been with me. I'm a wanderer and a dreamer enduring the mundaneity of daily life so that I can make it to my next adventure.

We'll see how this blog develops, but I suspect it will be occupied primarily with my newest obsession, restoring a '78 Volkswagen Camper (bus, hippie van, kombi, campmobile, westy ... so many names.) This is my current dream of escape. Once I can rely on it's mechanical soundness and my mechanical aptitude the plan is to take some grand tour ... Anchorage to Tierra Del Fuego, maybe?